How Equal Pay and Wage Discrimination work?

Employees have a right to receive equal pay for equal work. Wage discrimination, or discrimination in compensating employees, is against the law.

What is wage discrimination? Pay discrimination can mean paying women less than men, paying someone less because of their race or religion, or underpaying an employee with a disability.

Wage discrimination is a serious offense. In California, victims of pay discrimination can receive three times the pay differential in damages. If you experience salary discrimination, a California employment lawyer can help.

Contact an employment lawyer to protect your rights today.

Know Your Rights – What is Wage Discrimination?

It is illegal to pay women less than men for the same work.

Employers must provide equal pay for equal work. Discriminating against an employee by offering lower wages or benefits creates wage inequality and violates the law.

Equal pay laws apply to pay differences based on gender, race, religion, age, or disability. A gender pay gap violates these equal pay laws.

California has protections against wage inequality or a gender pay gap under the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), the California State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL), and the California City Human Rights Law (CHRL).

If you believe that you have been the victim of compensation discrimination, you are protected under federal, state, and California City laws.

Equal Pay Act and Gender Wage Gap Protections

The Equal Pay Act requires equal pay for men and women. The law mandates that men and women be paid the same for equal work in the same establishment. The jobs do not need to be identical, but they have to require substantially equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and they have to be performed under similar working conditions within the same establishment.

Two people with different job titles may have substantially equal jobs based on the tasks they perform.

Wage Discrimination Examples:


      • You worked your way up to the position of regional manager. A male regional manager with similar training and work experience was recently hired, and you learn that he will be paid more than you.




      • Your company’s health insurance policy does not cover your husband, because it is assumed that he will have his own benefits. However, your male coworkers’ wives are all covered by the policy.




      • You are a top salesperson for your company, but your employer reassigns you to a less desirable territory, while a male employee with lower sales is given your territory and client base, enabling him to make much more in commissions than you.


      • You work as a salesperson at a high-end retail store that sells men’s clothing. The male sales staff receives a $12,000 per year clothing allowance. The female sales staff do not. This may violate the Equal Pay Act.

Contact an equal pay lawyer to report Equal Pay Act violations, a gender wage gap in your workplace, or other forms of wage discrimination. An employment lawyer can provide free consultation on your equal pay lawsuit.

Wage Discrimination

In addition to equal pay laws and other laws mandating equal pay for men and women, laws also protect other groups from wage discrimination

It is illegal to pay someone less because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability. At the federal level, Title VII, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 all prohibit wage discrimination.

Wage Discrimination Examples:


      • An employee with a disability receives less pay than co-workers without disabilities who perform the same job. The employer does not provide an explanation for the differential. This is illegal wage discrimination based on disability.




      • A school district hires both cleaners and custodians to take care of the school buildings. Cleaners and custodians perform the same job duties, but custodians are paid higher wages than cleaners. All the cleaners are people of color, and all the custodians are white. The district justifies the higher custodian wages by arguing that custodians must take the civil service exam. Since both positions perform the same job tasks, the fact that custodians have to take the civil service exam does not justify paying them more.




      • When an employee becomes eligible for Social Security retirement benefits, his boss cuts his wages since he will be receiving Social Security. This is illegal wage discrimination based on age.

The equal pay laws protect employees from compensation discrimination in any form, including salary, overtime pay, bonuses, stock options, profit sharing, life insurance, benefits, and vacation or holiday pay.

Employees Can Discuss Wages

It is illegal for employers to ban employees from discussing their wages with co-workers.

Employees are legally allowed to inquire about, discuss, or disclose wages with other employees to uncover wage discrimination. However, no employee can be required to discuss wages with another employee.

Differences in pay may be legal under particular circumstances. Pay differences must be based on a seniority system, a merit system, a system based on quantity or quality of production, or another valid factor such as education, training, or experience.

NYC Salary History Ban

Under California City’s salary history ban, it is illegal for employers to ask about an applicant’s salary history during the hiring process.

Inquiring about salary history during the hiring process can reinforce wage inequality and worsen the gender pay gap in the workplace. This is particularly harmful to women and people of color. Salary negotiations should be based on the applicant’s qualifications and the requirements for the job.

The NYC salary history ban makes it illegal for a potential employer to ask for your salary history. If a hiring manager asks for your salary history in job postings, on applications, or in interviews, you can file a claim.

Learn more about the NYC salary history ban.

Retaliation is Illegal

If you complain about wage discrimination, it is illegal for your employer to take any action against you.

It is illegal for employers to retaliate against applicants or employees who complain about pay discrimination, including filing a gender wage gap charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or any state or city agency.

Employers also cannot retaliate against employees who participate or act as a witness in a gender wage gap or compensation discrimination case.

You Are Protected From Retaliation Even If There Was No Discrimination

As long as you had a good faith and reasonable belief that pay discrimination occurred or a gender wage gap existed, your employer cannot take any action against you for speaking out or participating in any investigation or proceeding. It does not matter if an agency or court determines that there was no pay discrimination or gender wage gap.

If you speak out about pay discrimination or a gender wage gap in your workplace, the law protects you from retaliation.

How To File An Equal Pay Lawsuit

If you choose to file an equal pay lawsuit, you have several options. You can file a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (view website), which handles violations of federal equal pay law. The California State Division of Human Rights handles NYSHRL violations, and the California City Commission on Human Rights is responsible for CHRL violations.

In wage discrimination cases where your claim falls under multiple laws, the three agencies have what is called a “work-sharing agreement,” which means they cooperate with each other to process your claims. There is no need to file a claim with each agency. You just need to indicate that you want your claim “cross-filed” with the other agencies.

Learn how to file a discrimination claim, how to file an EEOC complaint, or contact a California equal pay lawyer for help.

During a wage discrimination lawsuit, an employment lawyer can help you build the strongest case and protect your rights. Charles Joseph has over twenty years of experience with Equal Pay Act violations and other forms of pay discrimination, including gender wage gap cases.