Entries from 2023-05-01 to 1 month

Travel from John Wayne Airport (SNA) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX),

John Wayne Airport (SNA) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) To get from SNA (John Wayne Airport) to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport), you have a few options: Drive: You can rent a car or use a ride-sharing service to drive f…

How to get from LAX to SNA?

LAX to SNA To get from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to John Wayne Airport (SNA), you have a few transportation options: Private Car or Ride-Sharing Service: You can hire a private car service or use a ride-sharing service like U…

How to transfer from John Wayne Airport (SNA) to Newport Beach, CA

SNA to Newport Beach To transfer from John Wayne Airport (SNA) to Newport Beach, you have a few transportation options: Taxi or Ride-Sharing Service: You can take a taxi or use a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft. Exit the airport ter…

What to do in Anaheim

Anaheim, CA When you arrive to airport you need to use an Anaheim airport shuttle service to transfer to your hotel in Anaheim, then you ask yourself what to do in Anaheim? In addition to visiting the world-famous Disneyland Resort, there …

Things to do on Disneyland

Disneyland After you arrive to SNA airport you need shuttle to Disneyland, There are numerous things to do and experience at Disneyland, the iconic theme park located in Anaheim, California. Here are some of the top attractions and activit…

Things to do on Catalina Island

Catalina Island, CA , located off the coast of Southern California, to access to this island you need a Los Angeles airport shuttle service to transfer you from LAX to Newpoprt Beach then you can go to the island with boat, Here are some t…